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state programs


Public Works Selected for Louisiana Early Childhood System Implementation

Because of Public Work’s successful work on the Louisiana GEMS project, the company has been brought in to facilitate implementation of Louisiana’s unified Early Childhood System of Local Networks.  This will provide families across Louisiana with access to high-quality early childhood programs by bringing the multiple current early childhood programs – including pre-kindergarten in public schools, the Nonpublic School Early Childhood Development Program, Head Start, Early Head Start, Early Steps and the Child Care and Assistance Program (CCAP) – together under one roof within the Department of Education.

This project is an example of Public Works’ unique capacity to work closely with and within government agencies to implement public policy and programmatic objectives and to being desired outcomes to fruition.  Public Works is working with the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) and the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) to help transition the Child Care and Development Fund from DCFS to LDOE.

Public Works is accomplishing this by managing an extensive work plan to transition the CCDF fund and programs tied to CCDF, including the licensing of day care facilities, CCAP payments, and client eligibility.  Bringing together both agencies, Public Works is working to seamlessly transition budget, programs, personnel, and computer systems from one to the other without interruption to the services they provide.  In conjunction with agency leadership and staff, Public Works is managing the creation and drafting of Cooperative Endeavor Agreements and ensuring that operational and statutory deadlines are met
